New tree planting dates continue climate change combatting work of Essex Forest Initiative

Fri, 18/11/2022 - 15:57

Tree plantings will be taking place across Essex over the winter months, with volunteers encouraged to sign up.

The Essex Forest Initiative, which is backed by Essex County Council, has announced new tree planting dates for this winter. 

Events will be taking place from November through to late January 2023.

In October 2019, Essex County Council (ECC) committed to planting £1 million worth of trees over the following five years. This is the equivalent of 375,000 trees.

So far, over 130,000 trees have been planted as part of the scheme.

Research backs county net-zero carbon and energy efficient new build strategy

Thu, 17/11/2022 - 15:07

Essex County Council expectations of energy efficiency for all new build homes and buildings endorsed by report.

An innovative new study has endorsed Essex County Council’s strategy aiming for all new build houses and commercial buildings in the county to be energy efficient and net-zero carbon.

Research has been undertaken to support the target for all for new homes and commercial buildings granted planning permissions, to be net zero carbon by 2025 and carbon positive by 2030, or before.

Essex awarded A grade rating for its climate action

Thu, 17/11/2022 - 09:39

Announcement comes following the launch of Essex County Council’s first 

New money-saving active transport campaign launches for Essex residents

Tue, 15/11/2022 - 09:26

Digital campaign provides tips and information on how walking, cycling, e-scooting and using public transport can help cut costs this winter.

Essex County Council has launched a new Safer, Greener, Healthier campaign which promotes the money-saving benefits of sustainable travel.

The campaign, which will run for six weeks and appear on all the main social media platforms, shares tips and information about how cycling, walking, e-scooting and using public transport can help cut costs this winter.

Staff and councillors ramp up their fight against climate change

Tue, 08/11/2022 - 14:47

Essex County Council colleagues boost climate change knowledge by completing Carbon Literacy training.

To combat the effects of climate change in the county, Essex County Council (ECC) is upskilling its workforce to be more aware of how climate change affects Essex and what can be done to combat it, both individually and collectively.

Delivered through independent and group learning, Carbon Literacy training gives ECC members and officers a strong understanding of the causes and effects of climate change.

Essex Climate Conference considers the future of transport in Essex

Wed, 02/11/2022 - 11:04

County Hall played host to the second biannual climate conference which focused on the future of Essex travel.

Cllr Peter Schwier, Essex County Council Climate Czar, welcomed an audience to share ideas and expertise on what the future of transport in Essex could look like.

Ambitious tree planting project celebrates successful funding bids

Wed, 02/11/2022 - 09:22

The Essex Forest Initiative established by Essex County Council has been successful with two funding bids totalling over £750,000.  

Funding of more than £750,000 has been secured to plant an additional 1,785 trees across rural and urban parts of Essex.

£100,000 Community Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces Fund opens for applications

Tue, 01/11/2022 - 11:27

Grants made available by Essex County Council to create safe spaces which are free to the Essex public this winter.

Community groups and Parish and Town Councils across Essex are being urged to apply for grants of up to £1,000 to help them provide warm and welcoming spaces for residents this winter.

Essex County Council (ECC) has today (Friday 21 October) launched its Community Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces Fund.

The £100,000 fund offers grants of up to £1,000 so organisations can create new spaces or activities, or extend their existing services.  

Retrofit providing new opportunities for Essex residents and businesses

Fri, 28/10/2022 - 11:52

Two pilot schemes running in Essex thanks to £703k funding from UK Community Renewal Fund.

Residents and businesses are being given the opportunity to train in Retrofit via fully funded courses, thanks to Essex County Council (ECC).

Retrofitting is the process of adding new technology or features to homes in order to make them more energy efficient.

This can play an important role in helping to reduce Essex’s Co2 emissions and supporting the county’s journey towards becoming net zero.