On 20 July 2021, we held an online event to celebrate the launch of our report Net Zero: Making Essex Carbon Neutral which contains information about each of the Commission's recommendations to the county of Essex. The event was recorded, and can be viewed below.


0:00 Introduction (Catherine Cameron)

3:44 Setting the scene: How climate change is impacting Essex (Bishop Roger Morris)

16:16 Introduction to the Essex Climate Action Commission (Lord John Randall)

21:03 The Essex Climate Focus Area (Professor Jacqueline McGlade)

29:44 What action Essex is already taking (Cllr Kevin Bentley and Cllr Peter Schwier)

44:00 What Essex residents think – Britainthinks research (Lucy Bush and Rachel Rowlinson)

56:58 Audience poll – Which of these actions would you be most likely to take to reduce your carbon footprint? (Catherine Cameron)

1:02:50 Virtual handover of the report from Commission to Essex (Prajwal)

1:05:41 Q&A discussion panel (Bishop Roger Morris, Tracey Vickers and Graham Thomas)

1:17:57 Closing statements (Catherine Cameron)